Friday, December 13, 2013

JERUSALEM.... Crimson city ,

One of the most primitive city in the world, respected and regarded Holy among the three ABRAHIMIC religions, i.e Muslims, Jews and Christians.. This city has a rich history written in crimson letters with the blood of countless human beings......

Like most of the historical cities of the world, Jerusalem is divided into an "old city", the walls of which were built under the command of Hazrat Sulaiman(Solomon) [A.S],, and the new city, off course, which is an extension of the modern beings living around the holy land.

Disputed among the Muslim's Palestine and Jewish Israel, the city is listed in the "list of world heritage in danger" by UNESCO of UN..

Today, Jerusalem's status remain one of the issues in the ISRAELI - PALESTINIAN conflict, after the 1948 Arab - Israel WAR.. West Jerusalem was captured by Israel, while East Jerusalem including the OLD CITY or the holy part of the city was captured by Jordan. Later, Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan during "1967 SIX DAY WAR". Currently, Israel Basic Law state that Jerusalem is her "undivided capital"- International community has rejected the latter annexation as illegal and treats East Jerusalem as "Palestinian territory" occupied by Israel.. 

(The International community does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel capital and the Holy city host no foreign embassies)


 As i stated above " History of Jerusalem is written in Crimson letters with the blood that is shed for this Holy city"

->After 'Alexander the Great' conquered 'Persian Empire' , Jerusalem came under "ROMAN control"..
After  enjoying five centuries of Jerusalem rule, Roman lost Jerusalem to "BYZANTINE Empire", which maintained control of the city for many years. Within the span of few decades, Jerusalem shifted from "Byzantine" to "Persian" rule,, Sassanian empire attacked Jerusalem under Byzantine and took control of her,, Persian armies were aided by Jews...
{Jerusalem was captured, historian narrates tens of thousands of Christians, slaughtered by allied forces of Jews and Sassanian armies.. Not only devouring human life they also destroyed the holy places of Christians including the "Holy Church of Sepulchre"}
Persian Empire remained conquerors of the city for almost fifteen years until the "Byzantine emperor Herculius " reconquered the city..
The Byzantine rule was challenged by Arab armies of 2nd Calipha of Islam "HAZRAT UMAR (R.A),,{that was the time period at which Muslim rule was expanding at an unpredictable rate under the spiritual rule of Hazrat UMAR r.a, conquering PERSIAN AND BYZANTINE empires.. His attacks on Sassanian/Persian Empire, one of the foremost superpowers of that times, led to conquest of "Persian empire" in fewer than two years}
It was Umar (r.a), according to Jewish tradition who set aside the Christian ban on Jews and allowed them into Jerusalem and offer their prostrations..
"Simply stating, Hazrat Umar (r.a) was applying the 'rules of Islam' "

With the expansion of Caliphat dominion to Jerusalem, Jews were once again allowed to enter in the vicinity of the city, for which they were banned by Byzantine Christians in past, and offer their prayers in their Holy places..
{"This conquest was not truly a conquest in its essence but a liberation" as it was the first time among the ABRAHIMC religions (Muslims, Jews, Christians) a period of peace,, Umar (r.a) allowed Jews to enter in the city and on the same time Signed treaty with Christians that they can perform their Prostrations and their Holy places will remain safe under Muslim rule.}
When Muslim armies enter the city, after conquest, they searched for MAJID -e- AQSA that was mentioned in Quran and Hadith, locals were stunned by this fact that how these Arabian soldiers had knowledge about the Holy Mosque, (as it was the first focal point for Muslim Prayers before BAIT-ALLAH in Mecca ).....
{Contemporary Arabic and Jewish sources say that the site was full of rubbish and "Arabs and Jews", together, cleaned it..}..

After a time of Muslim rule over "CRUSADERS" armies, consisting of Christian men, attacked Jerusalem and conquered it.. There was a massacre of Muslims and Jews and the walls of Jerusalem, once again, were painted in human blood.. The Result was depletion of human which attracted others from all over the world, the city was recolonized by Georgians, Armenians, Syrians, Egyptians, Greek, Bulgarians, Hungarians,.. To block the return of Jews and Muslims in the holy city

In 1099, the "FATMID RULER OF MUSLIMS" expelled the Crusaders, repeating the history of Crusaders bloodshed, this time it was Muslim who bring massacre on Christian rule of Jerusalem,. but was recaptured by Crusaders.

In 1187, the city was wrested from Crusaders by SALADIN (Salahuddin) who gain respect among Jews and Christians by allowing them to live in peace in the city, settling with Muslims..

In 1244, Jerusalem was sacked by "KHAWAREZMIAN ARMY" led by Khawarizim Shah of Persia, who decimated Christian people and drove Jewish population out of the city. He was attracted towards the city after observing the fact that AYUBID'S dynasty , formed by Saladin, was loosing its strategic value in the area....

These Khawarezmian Muslims were once again driven out of the city by Ayubids, in 1247.. After 3 years of which MAMLUKS of Egypt conquered Jerusalem and ruled the city from 1250 to 1571.. During this time period Mamluks defended the city wall from Crusaders and city inhabitants from Earth quakes and famine.

At 1571, Mamluks reign came to an end with the attack of OTTOMAN (usmania) DYNASTY OF TURKS, which remained in control till 1917.. 
{ Ottoman dynasty supported German forces led by Hitler , like japan, during the world war, a decision taken solely by empire head of that time not even supported by his comrades, .. This means he vast empire of Muslims are foe of British and allied forces}
In 1917, British won the battle against Ottoman empire and conquered Jerusalem ( at that time British had already occupied Sub continent/ South Asia. Muslims of South Asian put serious efforts in the restoration of Ottoman Empire and urged the British empire not to touch the holy places like Mecca and Maddina ,, these were the basis of KHILAFAT MOVEMENT led by Maulana Muhammad Ali)

In 1947, with the British mandate expired the "1947 UN Partition Plan" was put forward, recommending the Jerusalem as a special International regime under UN administration. The forces of UN had to stay 10 years after which a referendum had to be conducted which will allow the inhabitants of Jerusalem to decide its future.
However, this plan failed to be implemented as 1948 war erupted .. Consequently, while the British withdrew from Palestine ,, Israel declared Jerusalem its own territory.

Prior to the 1948 war and after the Hitler rule over Jews ,, Arabian Muslims open heartedly  welcomed Jews to live alongside with them .. Jewish answer to idiotic Muslim's hospitality result in 1948 war and consequently , so called , Independence of Israel...

{In my viewpoint, UN Partition Plan, after the British invasion of Jerusalem, was a fair pact for both Jews and Muslims, as Jews would have gained Israel and Muslims would have gained Palestinian territory while the Jerusalem would remain under UN control for some time,, as the time pass there could be some amendments and a sense of maturity among Muslims and Jews which possibly lessen the UN influence on the region and subsequent pact between Muslims and Jews that would result in a time of peace, just like walls of Jerusalem had seen before during Umar (r.a) and Saladin regime}.....

Still after 1948 war and declaration of Israel, after it, Jews were able to only capture the Western part of Jerusalem.. Jordan had attacked and captured the Eastern part of Jerusalem including OLD CITY, consisting of Holy places for all Abrahimic religions,.. Until "1967 - SIX DAY WAR" ,,, Israel won that battle, conquering all of Jerusalem, which make me wonder because of the following fact :
In this war some of the stats were
*Israel        ~(vs)~   Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq---(supported by)-> Pakistan, Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Saudia Arabia, Sudan, Tunsia 

Israel{ troops= 264,000 -
Combat Aircrafts =300
Tanks= 800}

Allied forces { troops= 547,000
Combat Aircrafts= 957
Tanks= 2504}

There was a clear cut superiority among the Muslim Forces which was not common in Muslim History especially during Caliphat Rashidiin or companion of Prophet [SAW] regime, Muslim forces plundered, in past, some of the vast nations, on the basis of spiritual superiority, despite the martial inferiority....

Despite this differences, Israel won this war.. Simple reasoning state that they were newborn state, full of zeal and zest, and the credit goes to their leaders who made the most of it..
Arabs enjoy there simple culture with absolutely no interest in progression  parallel to world , this fact explain, why they are behind the world in education, technology, research, despite the fact that they are blessed with Earthly riches.. They rely on "OIL" and regard it as Divine Blessing, not knowing that this is        

"Divine Examination instead of Divine Gift"
To this day, Jerusalem after watching Blood and Bones, Wars and Wretched markets, Arrows and Turmoil, is Nowadays under Jewish control, .. Muslims of Palestine lost countless precious human lives, lives which were important to someone,, as the life of son to mother, life of husband to wife, life of a friend,,,.. ....
May Allah teach us all to live in peace and prosperity.. AMEEN..



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